Instagram Likes No More?

Today, I read an article about Instagram supposedly "taking away likes" in the future. This update would take away the number next to the post indicating the number of likes it received. The post would say "this post has been liked by hundreds of others, thousands of others or millions of others. Although this would take away the number of likes of the post, people would still have the ability to see the people who have liked the post. This update is still in speculation and can still be changed or canceled altogether. 

If Instagram were to go through with the update this would give its users their need for affiliation. Some people aren't posting any content because of the likes they would receive, so by taking away the ability for people to not directly see the number of likes would let users feel less pressure to post content and create more of a community within Instagram. This update would also create autonomy for its users as people would not have to post "trendy" content to receive more likes, and people would feel free to post what they find interesting. 

In my opinion, I think that this would be beneficial for both Instagram and its user base as it would let its users feel comfortable posting content, and would create more activity on the app. 



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